Skills and Training Management

Let's not forget that professional training is a valuable investment in skills development and personal growth. So let's encourage our employees to train and develop!

Declining individual performance

Lower motivation

Impact on corporate reputation

Difficulty attracting new talent

Prevent accidents and boost staff motivation with the "Training" application.

Be the Master of your Training Policy!

Would you like to set up a company training policy?

Choose "Training" in ComplyStation.


Managing training needs, allocating/planning training and monitoring the status of employee training, including skills management.

A Training Management workflow ensures that employees have the skills they need to do their job and that they are able to carry out their tasks.

Competitive advantage

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Training and skills management is an essential process for companies wishing to maintain a competitive edge and ensure the growth of their workforce. It involves identifying the skills needed to achieve the company’s strategic objectives, assessing employees’ current skills and drawing up a training plan to fill the gaps.

Ongoing training

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The training and skills management process comprises several stages, including analysing training needs, planning and designing training programmes, implementing training, evaluating the effectiveness of training and managing skills. It is important to note that training and skills management is not limited to initial employee training, but also includes ongoing training to ensure that skills are kept up to date and developed.

Employee retention

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There are many benefits to training and skills management, including increased productivity, improved quality of work, reduced error costs and better employee retention. Companies that invest in staff training can also improve their brand image and attract high-quality talent.

Strategic objectives

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In short, training and skills management is an essential component of human resources management, helping companies to achieve their strategic objectives by maximising the potential of their staff.

Use ComplyStation’s Training application to track the progress of your training courses:

With Training, you contribute not only to the professional growth of your employees, but also to the overall performance and sustainability of your business.
